If you have recently had an infuse bone graft and have experienced unwanted and dangerous bone growth or breathing and swallowing difficulties because of it, you should immediately talk to some Infuse bone graft lawyers. Infuse bone graft lawyers are the type of lawyers that are specializing in the laws governing mal practice suits. The Infuse bone graft is a medical device that is made by Medtronic. This is a man made protein that is useful for use in the lower back. It was never intended or approved of for use in the neck and upper back area. The FDA only approved its use in the lower back and in some cases in the jaw. The reason why someone would need to help of Infuse bone graft lawyers is because of the off label use of this medical device.
Infuse bone graft lawyers are ready to help victims of the off label use. You see, Medtronics illegally encouraged doctors to use their bone graft off label and then produced false claims to its advantages. As a result, countless numbers of patients have suffered harm. There are all kinds of dangerous side effects associated with the misuse of the Infuse bone graft. If you have been a victim you need to talk to Infuse bone graft lawyers in order to file a claim for compensation.
Infuse bone graft lawyers can go over the facts of your case and determine if you are eligible to file a medical mal practice case against the doctor and Medtronics. Infuse bone graft lawyers have helped all kinds of people get the compensation for their injuries that they deserve. In some cases, a wrongful death suit is warranted. If you have lost a loved one due to complications following an infuse bone graft, talk to Infuse bone graft lawyers today. They can file a wrongful death suit for you.
Infuse bone graft lawyers offer a free consultation so don’t hesitate to go in and get the legal advice you need. If the Infuse lawyers determine you have a case, they will file a lawsuit for you on your behalf. Legal fees are usually contingent on winning the case. You don’t have to suffer in silence. Your infuse bone graft lawyers can also make sure you receive adequate medical attention regarding your injuries resulting from the off label use of the Infuse bone graft.