Did you know that Rochester, New York was one of the first boomtowns in the United States? Rochester was officially given its name in 1834, and several different newspapers have emerged since that time. With numerous Rochester newspapers to choose from, you will be able to stay up-to-date on all the latest news.
1. Democrat and Chronicle. This newspaper first began publication in 1833 with the name “The Balance,” and it was not given its current name until 1870. The Democrat and Chronicle offers a wide variety of local news that covers sports, business, and food, and it even contains an opinion section. This Rochester New York newspaper continues to be one of the most popular in the area, and it even ranked number one in the United States in 2010 for market penetration.
2. Rochester City Newspaper. Rochester City Newspaper is a free, alternative newspaper that is produced weekly. Beginning in the early 1970s, this newspaper typically covers local politics, arts, theater, and economic development. Rochester City Newspaper even created a website in 2006 that delivers its articles through syndication feeds.
3. Rochester Business Journal. This newspaper features all relevant business news. The Rochester Business Journal is produced weekly, and it utilizes a website that delivers news to its readers on a daily basis. Beginning in 1987, this newspaper continues to be one of the most prominent business periodicals in the area.
Since Rochester has a metropolitan area population of more than one million, numerous Rochester newspapers have been created. The Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester City Newspaper, and Rochester Business Journal have all become popular publications in the area. As a result, there are several ways to get all the most relevant news in Rochester, NY. See this link for more references.