Did you know that Westminster Abbey in London has wrought-iron gates dating back to the 13th Century? If you need to install new fencing in your yard, you might not be able to get Westminster quality decorative wrought iron fencing, but you will have plenty of choice. Here are a few facts you need to know about the different types of custom wood fence gates and custom metal fencing options that are available to you.
One of the benefits of wood fencing is that it keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer. The cellular composition includes air pockets that grant it superior insulation properties. This temperature regulating power provides much better insulation than brick, concrete or any other type of wood fence, or even the increasingly popular wrought iron fence styles. Not only can a wooden fence block cold winds, but depending on your property’s average temperature and the size of the fenced in area, it can keep your yard noticeably warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.
Custom wood fence gates and wooden fencing are also great at blocking noise almost as well as concrete. Cedar fences also boast impressive sound-blocking capabilities, with 70 percent of the noise suppression abilities of a pure concrete wall. Custom fences like this can really come in handy if you live in a noisy neighborhood, or near a large and busy highway. This can also be great if you are looking for a homey aesthetic for your back yard. Wooden Fences provide a more traditional, classic look than other fencing options. You get the benefits of noise reduction while also creating a beautiful space in your back yard. Not only that, but with the ability to paint or stain, wood fencing is more capable of being customized than other fencing options.
Most of the newer types of custom fences are virtually waterproof. The production of chain-link fencing, which is highly resistant to water damage, dates back to 1844, and took its inspiration from the textile industry. Cedar, for instance, is a hydroscopic wood, meaning it absorbs and releases water, moisture and condensation in a regulated way that maintains equilibrium with the surrounding atmosphere. This is why cedar fences have superior protection against warping and rot and are able to withstand heavy rains and moist climates. In fact, cedar is so renowned for its moisture-handling capabilities that it’s considered a premium wood for hot tubs and saunas. In spite of this benefit, cedar has nothing on the water proof nature of wrought iron.
Super light and super strong. Though technically a softwood, cedar is flexible and easy to work with while still exhibiting incredible strength. Depending on the variety used, cedar can be anywhere from 25% to 35% lighter than redwood, but with 80 percent of the strength of oak and can be fitted with custom wood fence gates. Enhanced dimensional stability means cedar excels at holding its shape in horizontal or vertical positions. However, the dual advantages of openness yet security make custom fences in iron styles a favorite choice around gardens and pools.
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