If you run a website, then you should be looking into the best web design blogs so that you can improve your website. Whether you hire social media marketing management, professional web design services, the best web design companies to help you, or you decide to figure out how to upgrade your website on your own, here are a few facts that you need to know about web design.
1. Almost half, 47 percent to be exact, of consumers claim that they expect a website page to load in two seconds or less. Though this might be a little unrealistic, it is good to invest in the best web design so that your site can load as fast as possible.
2. Almost 80 percent of web shoppers who have trouble with web site performance say they will not return to the site to buy again. One of the best ways to retain new customers is to make sure that your website is as user friendly as possible.
3. A little bit more than 70 percent of mobile browsers expect web pages to load almost as quickly or faster as web pages on their desktop computers. Investing in responsive web design offered by the best web design companies can help your website to achieve these speeds.
4. The domain name system was created in 1984. This happened long before the internet became accessible to a larger amount of the population of the country. The domain name system was created in tandem with the first Domain Name Servers, which are abbreviated as DNS.
5. In the year 1993, both the White House and the United Nations began presences online. This marked the beginning of the .gov and .org domain names which are still being used today, 20 years later. Reference links.