You are finally on the tail end of one of the worst rainy seasons in a decade. Your roof and siding have been stormed on what seems like countless times, it’s been battered by hail and tree branches, and you have even picked up a few stray shingles in your yard every now and then. After find a sizable ceiling leak in your dining room, you have decided that it is time to finally schedule a roof replacement.
Where do you start? Before you call up your home siding and roofing company, shouldn’t you have an idea of what you want? How many different kinds of roofs are there anyway, and which one is best for you?
The answer is that there are quite a few types, and there are several factors that play key roles in choosing the right roof for a home. Some consumers choose the new siding and roof material that is most aesthetically pleasing in coordination with the rest of their home, while others prefer to find the choice that is most economical. The champion factor, however, is durability, following by cost of purchase and longevity.
Which factor is the most important one at play for you? If it is longevity, there are some options that can live longer than you will–such as clay tile roofs and slate roofs–but, since the average roofing company and homeowner prefer shingles (in fact, 80% of American homes are covered with shingles), here is a breakdown of the shingles varieties available to you.
If you are in the nation’s majority of homeowners who choose shingles and an aluminum or tin alloy for siding replacement for their durability, convenience, and classic look, then make sure you pick out the material that is the right investment for you and your home. Some roofing materials may look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but will bring you a lot of stress, costs, and maintenance obligations down the road.