
Immediate Treatment For a Stroke Emergency

Immediate Treatment For a Stroke Emergency
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Time is crucial when treating a stroke since brain tissue begins dying when a stroke starts. Immediate treatment can prevent crippling effects. Here are tips on treating stroke from Fortis Healthcare.

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Call 911 Immediately

A person having a stroke needs immediate hospitalization. It’s better to call, have the person go to the hospital and it not be a stroke than to wait and that person suffers permanent neurological damage or dies. Do not let the person fall asleep. Do not give food, drink or medication, even aspirin, to anyone suspected of having a stroke. They could choke. Get a list of the person’s medications. The emergency personnel will need to know this and having a list in advance will save time. You may be needed to answer questions about the person’s medical history because the patient may not be able to talk.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Many tests need to be performed to make sure that this is a stroke. A basic physical exam is given, including blood pressure readings, pulse check, blood sugar check, and airway check. A neurological exam may also be given. The patient may be given a CT scan, blood tests, electrocardiogram, MRI scan, carotid ultrasound, or a cerebral angiogram. The patient may only need medication and observation, but some may need immediate surgery to remove a blood clot or to stop bleeding in the brain.

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