In this YouTube video, Rice Lake Weighing Systems looks at five different types of load cells. Load cells measure the weight of tension, pressure, torque, or compression through electrical signals. Each class has a set tension load cell range that is good for different things.
Single point load cells work well for lighter capacity uses like bench scales or shipping scales.
Standard weights are between 1 and 1,000 kilograms.
Singled-ended shear beam load cells are secured at one end of a platform. These work well for floor-scale applications between 1,000 to 20,000 pounds.
Double-ended shear beam load cells are secured at both ends of a scale and support between 1,000 and 200,000 pounds. These types of plates typically weigh vehicles and their cargo.
S-beam or S-shaped load cells measure weight as tension is applied in either direction. These load cells work well for weighing vessels or marine craft and can sustain between 25 to 40,000 pounds.
Canister load cells, also known as pancake-style load cells, work for larger empirical structures. They provide weights through compression and measure between 10,000 to 500,000 pounds.
A certified dealer can help a person figure out which type of load cell might be best for their project or needs. It could create unsafe working conditions by using the wrong type.