Mods take Minecraft to a whole new level of fun. However, you are going to need a beefy server to be able to play them with your friends. Thankfully, Bisect Hosting offers modded Minecraft private server hosting. There is sure to be a server that is right for you.
You don’t want to miss out on the latest and greatest mods. In this video, you will learn more about the Alex’s Mobs mod.
An interesting new addition to Alex’s Mobs is the Catfish. Catfish can be found in swamps and come in several sizes. The larger catfishes can swallow mobs that are one block or smaller. This means that you may find them eating other small sea creatures. However, they will spit out the item they just ate if they encounter a sea cucumber or if you use a bucket. This means that you could use them as a portable backpack of sorts. It wouldn’t be practical, but it would be fun! Another interesting use for catfish would be a catfish collection system. If you are attempting to harvest sea creatures of some sort, you could place sea cucumbers in near hoppers. The catfish would spit out the sea creature into the hopper for the sea cucumber.