Most people who procure a licensed firearm for self-defense are reluctant to get concealed carry insurance because they believe the license protects them from criminal charges. Others find the cost of insurance for concealed carry too expensive to consider.
However, surviving a criminal charge is just as important as surviving an attack.
A lot could go wrong after using a firearm, whether you are licensed or not. You can be sued for murder, and the police can use what you say or do against you in court.
Insurance for concealed carry provides you with a specialized defense attorney who will navigate the court processes on your behalf and guide you on what to say and do to defend your innocence. The attorney will help you reduce court proceedings’ psychological pressure and stress.
The insurance for concealed carry will also save you tens or hundreds of dollars for posting bail, court appearance and prohibitive charges, and civil litigation. Check out the video linked above to learn more about why you need concealed carry insurance now.