Remote body cameras have become a legal necessity. For increased transparency, many police departments in the United States have been ordered to equip their officers with them. The video talks in detail about the different types of remote body cameras, their uses, and the pros and cons.
However, before diving into the details, here’s an introduction to why we use them.
Improves Accountability
Federal officers are advised to use remote body cameras to record their interactions with the public. This is to ensure that everyone is held accountable for their actions.
Protects People and Property
Remote body cameras make it easier for the police and people to watch out for mishandling of people and property.
The remote body cameras can be turned on and off at the convenience of the police officers. This makes it easier for them to have private conversations without having to worry about the video or audio being recorded.
Improved Storage
Although the cloud storage for these cameras is high-priced, it provides enough space to store everything from one to several months of recordings. With high-end features, remote body cameras impact performance, increase security, and improve police accountability.