If you own a small software development firm and are looking to grow your business, factors like a small team size, limited resources, and unpredictable demand can get in the way. You may be wondering if cloud connectivity provides the solution that you’re looking for. In order to answer that question, you’ll need to take a look at what sets cloud connectivity apart from on-premise computing.
An on-premise setup costs more money and doesn’t offer as many different options. It’s also often difficult to scale down once you’ve scaled it up, which can lead to your business losing money in infrastructure and maintenance costs. Plus, servers take up a lot of space and come with many security risks.
Cloud computing, conversely, enables you to pay only for what you use and scale up and down as needed. The servers are hosted by service providers, so you won’t need to have them taking up space on the premises. As an additional benefit, cloud computing offers better security than an on-premise setup.
As you can see, cloud computing offers many benefits compared to on-premise computing. You should definitely consider investing in cloud connectivity for your business if you haven’t done so already.