Have you ever heard of a synthetic bone graft or an autologous bone graft? If you haven’t, you are certainly not alone. The video gives a somewhat brief introduction to the issues dealt with by both types of grafts. If you are scheduled for oral surgery, you should familiarize yourself with these two types of grafting.
Bone grafting is used in dental surgery for tooth extraction and implant placement operations. Grafting is sometimes needed to ensure the jaw is robust enough to carry on with further treatment.
Synthetic and autologous are the two main types of grafts used. What are synthetic bone grafts? They are essentially fabricated bones that serve as an alternative to your natural bones. Autologous grafts are natural bones that are provided by a donor. Although the latter is considered the gold standard in grafting, donors are limited, and finding a proper match can be problematic.
Modern synthetic bone grafts are made in sterile conditions and are sealed to prevent the transfer of germs and disease. They are also made from proteins that are found in the human body. That is why so many surgeons prefer to use them. Now you know all about synthetic and autologous bone grafts.