TSA dogs have greatly increased security when it comes to traveling. Dogs have an incredibly strong sense of smell, and they may be able to detect things like explosives. Since explosives tend to have distinct smells, it’s possible for dogs to find them in luggage and the like. However, for dogs to do this, they must be trained via a dog boot camp.
Dogs that are trained to detect bomb materials, drugs, weapons, and other things have to go through a training camp. This camp often lasts for several weeks, and not every dog will pass.
Dogs are taught to use their noses to find things. They are also taught what specifically they need to find, like explosives or drugs.
The dogs are also trained to work with their handler and to interact with people and crowds. Just as an employee working in an airport will need to have many different skills, the same is true with dogs. Often, handlers develop a very close relationship with their dogs. Still, it is important for work to remain the focus.
Indeed, teaching dogs to be focused is crucial and a major part of their training. The dogs must be able to dedicate themselves to their tasks for long periods. Otherwise, they may fail to do their job, and this could create security risks.