It’s important that transporting oxygen cylinders is done in an environment that is safe and protects the quality of the tank. The first thing that needs to be done is the tank needs to be strapped down. It’s crucial that when these tanks are strapped down, they are able to be secure and stop moving. It’s important to use the appropriate straps based on the weight and size of the oxygen tank.
Safety is crucial in the process.
The next step is to secure wood planks around the cylinder to assist the straps with the cylinder. Many of the truck beds allow for sliding, which means that straps alone will not secure them. You want to make sure you have the wood cut into 45-degree angles so that it can sit comfortably while transporting oxygen cylinders. You will need one board at each end of the cylinder to secure it before you take off.
Once you have the board saddles and straps in place, you need to test the cylinder to see if it will move. Doing a small back and forth with the truck to see if the cylinder moves will indicate if you need to tighten something, or little adjustments to the boards. As soon as you know the cylinder will travel safely, you can move forward and even reuse those board saddles if you need to for future tanks that are the same size.