
What Does a Funeral Director Actually Do?

What Does a Funeral Director Actually Do?
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Eventually, we will all have to either attend or arrange a funeral. During this time, you meet and work with a person called a funeral director. This is often the first person you meet at a funeral home.

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Just what does this person do? Employees of Springfield Funeral Home of Kelowna, British Columbia, explain.

When you hear the word director, you might at first think of a movie director. A funeral director works in a similar way. Instead of making a movie, a funeral director makes a funeral happen. Funeral directors work with getting the body ready, organizing visitations, and preparing for the service. Funeral directors also have to help guide a shocked and bereaved family through this tough time. They have to help make the family make choices about a multitude of details.

A death in the family brings catastrophic change. A funeral director has to be a source of dependable calm and stability as the family transitions to a new life without the deceased. Good funeral directors are able to listen to all concerns, even financial concerns. They are able to reassure even the most grief-stricken of clients. They are able to explain all of the choices available and give the family time to make decisions.

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