Flowers bring beauty, vibrancy, and fragrance to a room. The kind of flowers used depends heavily on the occasion, whether it’s joyful or somber. Flowers for an anniversary bouquet would differ from a birthday bouquet. You can create either a bouquet or an arrangement.
Firstly, decide on the colors you want to use. Vibrant colors can be used for birthdays, while for funerals, white is the preferred choice. The width and height of the arrangement are determined by where it’ll be placed. The arrangement would either be a centerpiece or one-sided. Some flowers are seasonal, so they may not be available on certain occasions you have planned.
A color chart helps in combining complementary colors as well as contrasting colors. You can use blender flowers – these are flowers that blend easily with the other flowers. You can also use analogous color schemes. Monochromatic flower arrangements use only one color but ensure you use different textures and flowers to give a varied look.
When you’re creating an arrangement, use fresh flowers, a color chart, and the right kind of vase. For a stunning arrangement, birthday, or anniversary bouquet, combine flowers of various shapes and sizes, as well as greenery and filler flowers.