When you graduate from law school and pass your bar exam, that is not the end of education for you. To practice law in California you have to take California MCLE courses periodically. California mcle courses are the courses that a lawyer is required to take periodically in order to stay up with the current laws. California MCLE courses are mandatory and no matter how long you have been practicing law you will have to continue to take California MCLE courses. Other states have their own required minimum continuing legal education courses.
The requirements for California MCLE courses include the fact that these courses have to be State Bar approved to meet the requirements. California MCLE courses have to be taken every three years. The State Bar requires lawyers to report their compliance. They have a State Bar website that you can go to and report it when you have taken your required California MCLE courses. California splits the population of attorneys into three different groups. That way each year one group is taking California MCLE course. They have set scheduled dates in which lawyers need to comply with in order to properly report that they have successfully completed California MCLE course. You can find the compliance date by going to the State Bar website.
California MCLE courses are taught by respected judges and attorneys that are associated with the California courts and legal system. These courses are offered at various locations throughout the state of California. These courses must be taken in order for lawyers to stay up with the chances in current laws. California MCLE courses can also be taken online and you can easily fulfill your requirements that way. Attendance online and completion of the course is reported to the State Bar association.
There are various online schools that offer these classes. If you are not sure which classes will qualify you can go online and search the internet for the State Bar Association website where you can find more in depth details on California MCLE courses.