
Why Is It Important to Seek Counseling as a Pastor?

Why Is It Important to Seek Counseling as a Pastor?
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Watch this video to learn how to conduct counseling for pastors. Pastoral staff members have been designated to lead and care for the congregation. According to Dr. Tim Lane, the pastoral team is a component of the body of Christ, and just like everyone else, they require encouragement and counseling.

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He advises the congregation first to understand what it is like to be a pastor to understand better how to counsel them.

Pastors are on duty around-the-clock. They are always on standby for any calls or emergencies that may arise. They also constantly juggle multiple tasks. They have many other gifts at work, including the ability to organize, lead, and make decisions. As a result, they occasionally feel perplexed by all these duties. Dr. Tims asks the congregation not to criticize pastors because they only see around 20% of their labor. He suggests that all that Christians need to do to be able to counsel their pastors is to understand their roles and appreciate them. Believers should also express their gratitude by appreciating them verbally or sending an email or note letting them know they are praying for them.


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