Android device managementAndroid in the enterprise

Android Device Management

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Android security model

Employees are sometimes allowed to bring and use their BYODs at work. A BYOD is a high tech mobile device, such as a smart phone or table pc that are owned by the employee. More and more companies are allowing BYODs in the workplace now. However, just like anything else, BYODs need to be managed to protect company security. This means that you need Android device management policies in any workplace that allows employees to use their own Android for work related needs.

Right now there is a high risk of company data being lost if an employee owned device is lost or stolen. The risks can be lowered with an Android management policy and Android management software. IT departments can better protect operating systems and company networks with Android device management software. Just look up Android in the enterprise and you’ll find the most appropriate Android security model for your Android device management needs.

In the United States there is a mind boggling 9.4 million smartphones in use. Androids in the workplace are becoming quite common. SaaS, or Software as a service technology can help to push updates to employee devices automatically. You can also use SaaS as an aid to Android device management in the workplace. In fact, the IT administrator can set BYOD device restrictions as part of your company Android device management plan.

Most employees prefer to carry their own device with them at work. If they can use their own Android they won’t have to carry around any other devices. Instead of multiple devices, which are easier to lose, allow employees to use their own BYOD. Another benefit is that they will already be familiar with their interface and Android device management policies will be easier for them to follow. Find out more by Google Android device management software today.

Android device management Android in the enterprise
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