Android device managementAndroid in the enterpriseAndroid security model

Securing Your Business In the 21st Century

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Android device management

What is the definition of BYOD? What does that acronym mean to you? Bring Your Own Disks? Bring Your Own Drugs?

Sadly, we are not in college any more. Today, in the professional world, BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device, and an Android device management network can do wonders for the productivity levels of your business. Using Android in the enterprise is also praised for creating less paperwork, more accurate record keeping and billing, as well as added visibility, a streamlined workflow, and much more.

The definition of BYOD might as well be network security. One third of all employees who use a personal mobile device for work say that the data of their company is not encrypted or secure. By outsourcing Android management, you can ensure that your data is in good hands.

Another possible definition of the Android security model could be control. Managing mobile devices is useful for keeping up to date with installed applications, securing and managing company data, managing passwords and restricting access to vulnerable information should a mobile device become lost or stolen. Android device management networks do all this for you.

There is one more definition of BYOD I would like to discuss. That is convenience. Your company may already, like one quarter of all companies, allow a BYOD policy, but have no Android device management system in place. Seeing as 70 percent of employees regularly check their company email regularly as it is, why not make this (and other forms of after hours work involvement) easier to accomplish? Android device management is convenience.

Overall, I would say that the most encompassing definition of BYOD would have to be…intelligence. Incorporating an Android device management company into the way you do business is a smart way to make more money by increasing productivity, cutting unnecessary costs, and securing your data.
Good references here:

Android device management Android in the enterprise Android security model
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