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Desperate About Skin Care?

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Desperate about skin care? You are not alone. In the United States, 336,834 received Botox treatments in the year 2010. The practice has become so popular among men, the term “Brotox” emerged to describe the increasing trend.

Still, men and women alike are neglecting skin care so thoroughly that treatments like Botox may seem like the only option left.

Annually, Botox treatments rake in over 1.3 billion dollars. And while the increasingly popular treatments may seem like a good solution to lackadaisical skin care, Botox injections are at their most effective three to seven days after treatment and last only six months.

Similar cosmetic solutions like Juvederm, made from hyaluronic acid, are also injectable and soften the appearance of folds and wrinkles.

The need for all of these costs and risks can be greatly reduced by following simple tips on skin care.

1. Do Not Listen to Myths About Acne

There are a lot of myths about acne out there, and some of them can be particularly harmful to follow. For example, rumors that tanning can help relieve acne are 100% false and the suns rays and UV rays are responsible for a great deal of skin damage.

2. Pay Attention to the Weather

Skin is sensitive to the elements. Skin care tips for winter are not the same as summer skin care tips. While skin may be subject to dryness and a lack of moisture in winter, the sun and lack of precaution against harmful UV rays are most threatening in summer.

3. Know Your Skin Type

Many dermatologists and skin care lines have webpages that help you determine your skin type. Knowing your skin type can help you how to treat it and take care of it best. If you have oily skin, you do not want to use facial creams and products containing more oils. Likewise, if you have particularly dry skin, extra moisturizers may help fend off that Botox later in life.

Remember, in the United States, microdermabrasion, Botox, and other cosmetic treatments without surgery made up 82% of cosmetic procedures in 2011. That is a lot. Knowing your tips on skin care can help solve the problem before it starts.

What are some of your favorite skin care tips? Read more articles like this.

Bloomingdale dermatology Brandon facial chemical peels Cosmetic dermatology bloomingdale
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6 comments on “Desperate About Skin Care?
  • Richard Carroll

  • Ronnie Obrien

  • Lisa Munoz

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