
How Do Commercial Recycling Bins Work?

How Do Commercial Recycling Bins Work?
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This video shows how commercial recycling bins work in a step-by-step sequence. Despite having no words, the video shows every process from intake to sorting to delivery of the recycled material. Other videos on this channel give more interesting insight into the parts and functions of the equipment.

Commercial bins are emptied by vehicles and taken to the recycling center.

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Once there, the material is dumped and eventually brought to the sorter. The sorter has multiple steps and ultimately separates the content by size and material. It is then sized and shaped to be packaged and delivered to a plant that will purchase the recycled material and initiate the process of repurposing it.

Commercial recycling bins offer a way for commercial properties to reduce waste that goes to landfills and possibly make money by selling recyclable items. And, it’s as easy as ordering a bin and putting processes in place to separate recyclables from other garbage. The hauling away and everything after that is taken care of. VAN DYK Recycycling Solutions creates world-class technology to sort and size recyclable material. Learn more by visiting vdrs.com.

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