Almost every exterior doorway in the world has a lock. In the event those locks are broken or keys are lost, there is need for a locksmith. Locksmiths are specialists who can perform lock installations, duplicate keys and gain access through broken locks or locks with lost keys. Locksmiths can also perform rekeying, which is changing a lock so that a different key may operate it. Boca raton locksmiths are available for any of these services with a simple phone call. Many are available 24 hours a day, for that forgetful individual who locks their keys in the car or themselves out of the house at all times of the day.
Here are some interesting historical snippets about locksmiths and lock installation that may interest you.
Wooden locks and keys were used in Ancient Egypt as long ago as 2000 B.C.E. The ankh symbol was actually known as the key of life and sometimes depicted as a physical key held by gods and other figures in wall paintings.
In ancient India, the Emperor of Annam sealed valuables into large blocks of wood, which were placed on small islands or submerged into surrounding pools of the inner courts of the palace. Here, they were protected by the royal guardian angels… a number of crocodiles kept on starvation rations so they were always hungry.
During the Gothic era, followed by the exuberant influence of the Renaissance, master locksmiths were inspired to product the most intricate and the finest ornamental locks of all time. These locks would incorporate carvings and were generally used for aesthetic purposes.
Louis XVI, King of France, was an avid amateur locksmith. He took it up as a hobby as a child and continued that practice into his adult life. He of course is most remembered for being victim of the guillotine during the French Revolution that overthrew his monarchy.
Harry Houdini is often considered the most spectacular locksmith in history. There was a reason he was so good at escaping all sorts of contraptions!
6 comments on “Fun Facts About Locksmiths”
Ashley Burke
I am a serial lock my keys inside my car person. Without 24 hour locksmiths, I’d be in a lot of trouble by now lol.
Dwight Wage
They do charge a lot for what sometimes takes them only a minute or two to get open. I had to pay 85 bucks last time a locksmith open my car for me. It took him like 30 seconds. I was ticked about that.
Walter Arnold
They do charge a lot for what sometimes takes them only a minute or two to get open. I had to pay 85 bucks last time a locksmith open my car for me. It took him like 30 seconds. I was ticked about that.
Jerry Bradley
They do charge a lot for what sometimes takes them only a minute or two to get open. I had to pay 85 bucks last time a locksmith open my car for me. It took him like 30 seconds. I was ticked about that.
Tim Hold
They do charge a lot for what sometimes takes them only a minute or two to get open. I had to pay 85 bucks last time a locksmith open my car for me. It took him like 30 seconds. I was ticked about that.
Jose Stevens
They do charge a lot for what sometimes takes them only a minute or two to get open. I had to pay 85 bucks last time a locksmith open my car for me. It took him like 30 seconds. I was ticked about that.
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